Pentagram, pentakl

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According to The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, the pentagram is the "most powerful symbol of all ceremonial rites…" [this encyclopedia correctly views pentacles as a form of pentagram]. The Encyclopedia ascribed to this symbol the powers of active and passive spiritual "shielding," the "five wounds of Christ," and the notification of "etheric world intelligences."

Eliphas Levi, one of the most influential magicians of the 1800’s, wrote in his massive volume on transcendental magic,

"The Pentagram signifies the domination of the mind over the elements, and the demons of air, the spirits of fire, the phantoms of water and ghosts of earth are enchained by this sign. Equipped therewith, and suitably disposed, you may behold the infinite through the medium of that faculty which is like the soul’s eye, and you will be ministered unto by legions of angels and hosts of fiends."

Dangerous, dangerous stuff. Even the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, in discussing the "Ritual of the Pentagram" (the up-right version) warns against making the mistake of employing the upside-down star, "See that thou doest it not" (italics in original). No wonder Helena Blavatsky, mother of the New Age, wrote in her book, Studies in Occultism, "there are secrets that kill in the arcana of Occultism…" (italics in original). It may seem strange that prominent occultists and occult societies would sound caution when using certain symbols. But understand, these men and women have seen and experienced powerful supernatural forces. And they are in bondage to them.

Going deeper yet, the upside-down star/pentagram has long been recognized as the symbol of Satan. Anton LaVey, author of the Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals, lavishly used this symbol in his ceremonies and rituals–most often depicted as the "goat’s head."

The fact that LaVey chose the goat-headed pentagram as the mascot symbol for the Church of Satan is no surprise. As previously mentioned, occult symbols have been used for centuries. In fact, LaVey gives credit to these more ancient occult schools for the role they played in helping him develop his Satanic ritual work,

"Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratory words of power from virtually every mythos." (The Satanic Rituals, p. 21)

(Źródło: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... agrams.htm)

barbara40 napisał(a):pierwszy raz spotkałam się z takim tłumaczeniem tej minimalnej różnicy po między Pentagramem, a Pentakl
Autor zamieszcza tu wytłumaczenie z dzieła "The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary" według którego pentakle są forma pentagramu. Opisywane jest to albo jako pięć ran Chrystusa (trochę dziwne), albo też jako 5 żywiołów. Czyli ja to rozumiem tak: pentakl jest figurą czysto geometryczną, natomiast pentagram jest w zasadzie pentaklem, któremu dodatkowo (z racji doskonałości formy) zostały przypisane różne odniesienia magiczne (przypisywanie różnorakich znaczeń poszczególnym ramionom pentagramu). Autor tego artykułu wspomina na przykład że pentagram ma symbolizować panowanie rozumu ludzkiego nad pięcioma żywiołami. Współcześnie może symbolizować doskonałość Świata stworzonego przez Boga - natomiast przypisywanie złych mocy odwróconemu pentagramowi wynika może po prostu z tego, że odwrócony pentagram (jako figura) odwraca jakby porządek Wszechświata. Jak myślicie? Myśli

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