Runes of Yggdrasil by Freya Aswynn

Yggdrasil Runes by Freya Aswynn
Autorem jest Freya Aswynn, wydane  we współpracy z Atlantis Bookshop
Limitowana seria, zaledwie 200 zestawow, w metalowej puszce, wraz z książeczka opisująca pszczególne runy...
In her own words, Freya writes “The runes have been central to my life for 35 years and my first book on them appeared in 1984. Leaves of Yggdrasil was revised and updated in 1998 and became Northern Mysteries and Magic... Painting faces of gods is never easy and after a couple of attempts at illustrating the runes, the project was abandoned. Then, in 2009, I found an art tutor, Danny Francis and with the urging of Frank Geens/Freyr Sveinbjörnsson I started this rune pack. They took a year and I hope you enjoy using them.”
Tak Freya pisze...
cała talia

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W powyższym poście, prawie cała talia...ale ze względu na to, ze nie jest dostępna w necie w całości...troszkę taka zbieranina...
Dzieki dociekliwości Michael
 mamy całą talię...Thank you Michael
Rune Art: Freya Aswynn
These images originally featured from a limited edition print of rune cards with paintings by Freya Aswynn published by Atlantis Bookshop (London) in 2008. A complete collection of the images sould not be found on the web and the deck is now probably highly collectable. Regrettably, I completely missed the boat to own a copy of the deck back in 2008!
The images shown here have three main internet searching sources:
The full collected images were screen-shots from YouTube media published by Freya Aswynn & Frank Geens 2018. Unfortunately, image quality has suffered in view of YouTube origin, but at least the full collection can be partially celebrated.
Other images could be found Freya’s own website:

Thank you Michael

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